Rose Colored Glasses

Years ago someone very close to me once ( or actually several times) said that I viewed life through "Rose Colored Glasses." While that may have been true then, I have found that sometimes life needs a little help to look better than the hard realities that we face day in and day out. I have discovered over the years that we all need encouragement that we are not in this alone. We only get to live this life once and I want my life , imperfect that it is, to be an encouragement for those around me. Do I get it right every single day?!?........."Absolutely not!!!!" But "His mercies are new every morning," and for that I am eternally grateful and forever hopeful "rose colored glasses" and all.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Self Control

Self control.........this is a subject that keeps randomly popping up in my life lately.  Another, more hateful word that comes to mind along these lines is discipline.  To be such the control freak that I am, you would think that these subjects would be second nature.  I have discovered through trial and error(and flat out denial) that if a subject confronts me every time I turn around.....there must be a reason for it.  God usually has to point things out to me several times before I get it!!  Such is the subject of this post.  What has spurred this conviction from the Holy Spirit in my life?  Could it be the last three times I hit the snooze almost every morning..... and then that mad dash to get to work only 5 minutes late, instead of 20?  Could it be the way I just can't seem to find a stopping place in whatever mind filling book I'm consuming at night, when I should have already had the light out, so that I might not hit the snooze those 3 times in the morning?  Could it be those great intentions of incorporating physical activity into my mostly couch potato life?  Could it be that last handful of tortilla chips I scarfed down right before I  crawled in bed with my book last night? Could it be that tone I used when responding to a loved one or co-worker today?  Could it possibly be the way I keep planning in my head to sit down to some really hardcore private bible study and scripture memory.........but it just never seems to happen?  Or......could it be the frequent daily neglect of the nurturing of my relationship with Christ?  Honestly....... I know I'm guilty of all the above!!!!  I know that we have a responsibility to take care of our physical bodies.  I know that to be the woman that God wants me to be, I have to spend some time with Him everyday........just being quiet before Him. Not only that, but for this season of my life, I know He wants me to dig a little deeper in His Word.  As I have said before, 5 minutes on the throne with my Journey(devotional book) does not a bible study make!!  So what's a girl to do???  What does the bible say about this?  Well it says that my body is a temple........I'm treating mine like a gas station bathroom!!! 
If I am truly going to try to honor God with my life, I have to take care of myself.........that includes eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep.  Not only that, but I have got to make the choice everyday to exercise self control in my life.  Whether that means keeping my mouth shut when I think my opinion is of utmost importance.......or being nonjudgmental with the people and situations I see everyday....or it may mean forgoing that chocolate kiss that's calling my name.........or it could be getting out there and walking the loop at the hospital with my fast walking/long legged friends. For me, self control is hard....not just hard...........but really hard.....even so, I've been promised that "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."  As I make the disciplined effort to join my life with His, to love Him, to seek Him, to imitate Him then one of the by products of this will be the character traits that I desire.  Those character traits will be a work of the Holy Spirit in me, not just good things that I can manufacture on my own.  For today, I am making the conscious choice to exercise discipline in my life........keep me accountable!!
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.  Galatians 5:22

1 comment:

MitziR said... just summed up all of us, probably. I know that you did me. I have those same thoughts, full of good intentions but never following through. I say sooo many times, "Why does God put up with me?" I am so glad that He is patient and not finished with me yet!