Rose Colored Glasses

Years ago someone very close to me once ( or actually several times) said that I viewed life through "Rose Colored Glasses." While that may have been true then, I have found that sometimes life needs a little help to look better than the hard realities that we face day in and day out. I have discovered over the years that we all need encouragement that we are not in this alone. We only get to live this life once and I want my life , imperfect that it is, to be an encouragement for those around me. Do I get it right every single day?!?........."Absolutely not!!!!" But "His mercies are new every morning," and for that I am eternally grateful and forever hopeful "rose colored glasses" and all.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Jesus!!

It’s very quiet in my house this morning. It’s still early for those who have been blessed with the day off. I felt the need to sit quietly and coral my thoughts for a few minutes before the day gets into full swing. The next 24 to 36 hours will be filled to the brim with busyness and noise…..all the things that family and celebration brings. While it’s still, I want to just soak up the freshness of a new day and the One who makes the days and brings the seasons!! I haven’t always loved Christmas and the craziness it can bring…..but the older I get the more I enjoy this season of the year. Somewhere along the way, it just got easier. Somewhere along the way, it became ingrained in my heart that this is not about me, but all about Him! Of course that’s what it has always been about, but it took awhile for me to get it!! No doubt “holidays” can be stressful……all the running around, gift buying, cooking and cleaning…..not to mention the gathering of family with all our quirks and different ideas about things. But that’s all part of it……or at least how we’ve come to do things anyway! While commercialism has pretty much taken over Christmas…..I have to pull back and get a grip on what it’s all about. It’s about the Christ child……that perfect One who took on a lowly state to become one of us!! It’s the celebration of His birth and ministry!!! Over the years I have told my kids…’s not our birthday, but His!! If I’m honest, I was telling myself that because I needed to hear it!! I cannot imagine sending one of my babies to take on the sin of the world……another reason to love Him so! While I don’t understand it, I am so thankful for it!! Happy Birthday Jesus!! I love you!

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